Dans la boîte aux lettres cette semaine... Beaucoup beaucoup de merveilleux vernis ♥
In the mailbox this week... Many many amazing polishes ♥
Premier paquet de la semaine, ma commande The Nail Junkie.
First package of the week, my Nail Junkie order.
Great packaging!!! |
The Nail Junkie - Violet, Grape, Coffee + free gifts (glitter remover wipes and cutie balm) |
The Nail Junkie - Violet, Grape, Coffee |
The Nail Junkie - Violet, Grape, Coffee |
Ensuite, le même jour, j'ai reçu 2 paquets ^^
Then, the same day, I got 2 packages ^^
Ma commande Girly Bits! C'est la première fois que je commande directement via Girly Bits et non Harlow&Co.
My Girly Bits order! That was the first time I ordered through Girly Bits directly and not from Harlow&Co.
Comme j'ai commandé 6 vernis, les frais de port n'étaient que de $5!
As I ordered 6 polishes, shipping was only $5!
Girly Bits - Visions of Sugar Plums, Heirloom, Ornamental my Dear Watson |
Girly Bits - Visions of Sugar Plums, Heirloom, Ornamental my Dear Watson |
Girly Bits - Long Winters's Nap, Fathomless, Hocus Pocus |
Girly Bits - Long Winters's Nap, Fathomless, Hocus Pocus |
Ma commande Sea Lore 4 + 1 gratuit. Comme d'hab, l'emballage de Jamie est super cute ♥
My Sea Lore 4 + 1 free order. As always Jamie's packaging is absolutely cute ♥
J'ai choisi 4 vernis de la nouvelle collection d'hiver et mon gratuit est Ariel. J'ai déjà la version mini de Ariel mais je l'adore tellement qu'il me fallait la version 15mL =) J'ai aussi commandé une paire de boucles d'oreilles Ariel pour aller avec ma bague Ariel ♥
I chose 4 polishes of the new Winter collection, and my free choice was Ariel. I already have this one but I love it so much that I had to buy the full size =) I also ordered Ariel earrings to match my Ariel ring! ♥
Sea Lore - Wintry Whale, Glacial Grayling, Snowy Seal, Beluga Blizzard |
Sea Lore - Wintry Whale, Glacial Grayling, Snowy Seal, Beluga Blizzard |
Ariel earrings |
Trop chouette, hein?! / Awesome right?!