Superficially Colorful: And the winners are....

Superficially Colorful: And the winners are....: "So the Rafflecopter has spoken and we have three winners to my 6 months blogerversary giveaway ! [...]


Woohoo je suis une des gagnantes!!!!!! YAY!! J'avais vraiment besoin de ça parce que j'en ai assez des mauvaises nouvelles.... En plus, c'est la première fois que je gagne un giveaway :P Et Jinjit @Superficially Colorful est une très bonne amie en plus donc je suis super contente de gagner son giveaway! J'ai l'impression d'être déjà le jour de mon anniversaire ^^ mais pour le vrai je dois encore attendre 10 jours :)
I'm one of the winners!!!!!! YAY!! I really needed this right now, cause I'm so sick of bad news! This is the first time I win a giveaway, so no need to say how happy I am :P And Jinjit from Superficially Colorful is a great friend of mine, I like this lady so much, I'm so glad that the first giveaway I win is hers :) and she's glad to be my first too ^^ I feel like it's my birthday, haha XD But I still have to wait 10 days for the real one :)

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  1. OMG your birthday is in 10 days?????? How AWESOME!!!!!! So now you get a DOUBLE CONGRATULATIONS!!! ♥♥♥

    1. Yep! Well 9 days now :P I was born the day before Halloween ;)
      Thank you ♥♥♥
