The Giving Thanks Multi-Blogger Giveaway!

Salut les filles! Vous le savez peut-être, Thanksgiving c'est dans moins d'une semaine. Ou peut-être que comme moi vous n'étiez pas au courant, tout simplement parce qu'on est pas américaines! lol XD Dans tous les cas, je vous annonce aujourd'hui que pour célébrer cette fête US, plusieurs de mes amies blogueuses, amies créatrices de vernis Indies et moi-même avons organisé un giveaway pour vous montrer l'une des choses pour lesquelles nous sommes reconnaissantes : VOUS ! C'est ça l’esprit de Thanksgiving ! :D
Hi everyone and happy Saturday! You may know that Thanksgiving is less than a week away. - To tell you the truth I didn't know until few days ago, lol, but that's because we don't celebrate Thanksgiving here in France! ;) - So to celebrate the holiday, several of us bloggers and indie makers decided to have a giveaway to show one thing we are thankful for - YOU!

Jetons un oeil aux lots ! :)
Let's have a look at the prizes!

Two polishes (winner's choice) from The Nail Junkie!

One product (winner's choice) from Wishful Bath & Beauty/Fever Lacquer!

One polish (winner's choice) from Superficially Colorful Lacquer!

Four polishes (winner's choice) from Alter Ego Nail Enamel!

One item (winner's choice) and a not-yet-released bath & beauty product from
Paint Box Polish!

One heart necklace from the new thermal polish collection from BKD Signature!

Two polishes (winner's choice) from 6 Harts Polish!

Mystery Prize from Darling Diva Polish!

That's a lot of awesome!

Giveaway is open internationally. If fees are incurred for the PayPal prize, the fees will be deducted from the prize amount.

>>> Enter on the Rafflecopter form on my Facebook Page for your chance to win! <<<

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