Nail Mail - Week #08 || EPIC NAIL MAIL!!! ♥

Dans la boîte aux lettres cette semaine.... In the mailbox this week....

Rien du tout la première partie de la semaine :( mais la seconde partie, wow, c'était Noël en Février!!!
Nothing the first half of the week :( but the second half was pretty epic, with 6 packages!!!

Jeudi, j'ai reçu "The Noth Pole is a real place" de Well Nails, un super vernis qui brille bleu dans le noir :) Un grand merci à mon amie Ashley @Smashley Sparkles, qui a annoncé sur FB qu'il était en solde :P
On Thursday, I got a glow-in-the-dark polish from Well Nails named "The Noth Pole is a real place". I have to thank my friend Ashley @Smashley Sparkles, cause I bought this polish after she said on FB that it was on sale :P

Well Nails - The North Pole is a real place


J'ai également eu les moules 3D que j'ai acheté sur ebay pour environ $3 le lot de 6. La poudre acrylique est le prochain produit de chez Born Pretty Store que je vais testé et je n'avais pas encore de moules...
I also got the 3D molds that I bought on ebay, 6 pcs for like $3. Acrylic powder is the next product from Born Pretty Store that I will review and I didn't have molds yet.


Ensuite, Vendredi, j'ai trouvé sur mon bureau un paquet extraordinaire de mon amie Jin Jit @Superficially Colorful, contenant de superbes vernis fait de ses propres mains + Glitter Gal Light as a Feather et des bonbons (évidemment :P)
Then, on Friday, I received an AMAZEBALLS package from my friend Jin Jit @Superficially Colorful, with some pretty amazing polishes from her own line + Glitter Gal Light as a Feather and some candy of course :P When I opened it, I was like OMG OMG OMG OMG every second, lol!

Superficially Colorful Lacquer Provocative, Fascinated & Impulsive + Glitter Gal Light as a Feather + yummy candy

Voici un meilleur aperçu des mes petites merveilles ♥ Il s'agit des sa première collection, appelée "Mood Swings" et ce sont des vernis qui changent de couleur selon la température! J'adore!
Here is a close-up of Jin's polishes from her Mood Swings collection ♥ They are gorgeous AND they are thermal lacquers ^^ 

Superficially Colorful Lacquer Provocative, Fascinated & Impulsive

Magnifique, n'est-ce pas?! ♥  Je suis impatiente d'essayer ces vernis et pour tout vous dire, la seule raison qui fait que je ne les ai pas encore sur les ongles et que j'ai une mani en tête depuis plus d'une semaine donc je devais absolument la réaliser en premier.
Beautiful, right?! ♥ Can't wait to put these on my nails :D Actually, the only reason I haven't these on right now, is because I had a mani all planned in my head for not less than 1 week, so I had to do it first! 

Quand j'ai vu les swatches de Fascinated par Ashley/Smashley Sparkles (encore elle, lol) ici or ici, j'ai laissé ce commentaire sur le post de Jin "WOW! Félicitations Jin!!! ♥ Ce vernis est absolument magnifique!!! mes 2 couleurs préférées ensembles, j'en VEUX un ça c'est sûr :P Je suis impatiente d'en voir plus ^^" mais je ne m'attendais vraiment pas à recevoir cette merveilles (et 2 autres), ce n'était pas le but de mon commentaire et j'étais donc très surprise de découvrir le contenu du paquet!! Très bon début de vacances pour moi ^^ OMG j'en reviens toujours pas, des Superficially Colorful Lacquers quoi!!!! Thank you so much Jin, you are so SWEET ♥ ♥ ♥
When I first saw Fascinated swatched by Ashley/Smashley Sparkles here or here, I told Jin that... let me just paste my comment here "WOW! Congrats Jin!!! ♥ This polish is absolutely gorgeous!!! my 2 fave colors together, so I WANT one for sure :P Can't wait to see more ^^" but I really wasn't expecting to get it and the 2 others in the mail, I was sooo surprised, what a great way to begin my holidays ^^ OMG I still can't believe it, I have some Superficially Colorful Lacquers, yay!!!! Thank you so much Jin, you are so SWEET ♥ ♥ ♥

Glitter Gal Light as a Feather (from my wishlist)

And here is a pic of the package, opened by the "Douanes Françaises" (French Customs). It's like the 3rd time in 1 year and a half of polish addiction that one of my package is opened by the customs.

Le second paquet de la journée était super aussi. Le fabuleux New King's Road ! ♥
Second package of the day was amazing too. New King's Road ♥

Nails Inc. New King's Road


Et le même jour, j'ai également reçu les plaques de stamping que j'ai acheté chez Messy Mansion. J'en ai commandé 2 mais j'en ai reçu 3 ^^ Yay j'adore les cadeaux :P La plaque spéciale St Patrick est tout simplement magnifique !!!
The same day, I also got the stamping plates I ordered from Messy Mansion. I ordered 2, but got 3 ^^ Yay for gifts :P The St Patrick one is absolutely amazing!!!

Messy Mansion plate MM04

J'ai choisi la plaque étoilée ci-dessous à cause des motifs symétriques  =)
I chose this starry plate because of the symmetric images =)

Et voici la plaque que j'ai eu en cadeau =) Les dessins sont plutôt pas mal aussi!
And this is the plate I got as a gift. It has some pretty cool images too!


Pour finir, ce matin, le facteur m'a apporté un paquet de chez Born Pretty StoreJ'ai enfin mes produits à tester, yay!
Finally, this morning, the mailman gave me the package with my products to review for Born Pretty Store.

Acrylic powder & Acrylic liquid.

OK it's 2:30 am, time to go to bed, haha! See ya ;)

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  1. Hehe, thanks for the shout outs! I hope you like North Pole (I wish I had one, I haven't even bought it myself!) and I'm jealous now because you have more of Jin's polishes than me!! LOL <3

  2. LOLOL!!! You two - Béné and Ash - are sooooooo sweet!!!
    Thank you so so much for the shout out and the great laugh!!! ♥
    I am just hoping so much that you will like and won't be disappointed by anything!!! ;-)

    1. Oh - and I am waiting to see your acrylic powder review!!! This looks awesome and something I haven't seen yet!!!!!

  3. North Pole is totally awesome - I have it and you'll go WOW when you go to bed :D. I love WellNails and have all the christmas polishes, haha...
