Alter Ego || Biker Chick

Salut les filles et Joyeux Dimanche! Aujourd'hui, j'aimerais vous présente un superbe vernis de la "marque" ALTER EGO, il se nomme Biker Chick et associé au magnifique A-England Guinevere, il fait des merveilles ♥
Hello dear readers and happy Sunday!!! =) Today, as promised, I'm going to show you some beautiful Alter Ego Nail Enamel! The first one is named Biker Chick and it's so so pretty ♥

1 coat of Alter Ego Biker Chick over A-England Guinevere
1 coat of Alter Ego Biker Chick over A-England Guinevere

1 coat of Alter Ego Biker Chick over A-England Guinevere
1 couche de Alter Ego Biker Chick sur A-England Guinevere

1 coat of Alter Ego Biker Chick over A-England Guinevere
1 coat of Alter Ego Biker Chick over A-England Guinevere

1 coat of Alter Ego Biker Chick over A-England Guinevere
1 coat of Alter Ego Biker Chick over A-England Guinevere

Biker Chick c'est un vernis aux paillettes argentées et noires. Composition assez simple mais le rendu est super, surtout avec Guinevere en base ♥
Biker Chick is a clear base polish with silver and black glitter. Pretty simple but the result is magnificent, especially over Guinevere 

Vous pouvez vous procurer ce vernis Alter Ego sur Etsy pour 6,44€ =) 
N'hésitez pas à liker la page FB "Alter Ego Nail Enamel" ici.
Alter Ego retails at $8.50 on Storenvy.
You can like Alter Ego Nail Enamel FB Page here.

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  1. This is beautiful! I never imagined it as a topper, what a wonderful idea! Your mani is perfect:) Thank you from my whole heart!

    1. It's a wonderful topper, I love it so much!! ♥

  2. This is really gorgeous! I have never like the diamond shaped glitters before, but they really work in this one!
